“We Take Your Child’s Needs To Heart”


At the Greenwich Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, we understand that every child is unique, so we take their individual needs to heart. We also offer strong support to you, the parents, every step of the way. Your child will benefit from a team of specialists who provide individual and/or family therapy, educational and psychological testing, medical evaluations and other services.

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Proven Effective Treatment for Survivors of Trauma and Abuse
When children are struggling with emotional difficulties, they deserve practical and insightful care that is tailored to meet their unique needs. With over a decade of specialized experience, the team at Greenwich Child and Adolescent Psychiatry are committed to meeting your child’s needs and providing him or her with the tools to overcome life's tough hurdles.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Our team offers a wealth of expertise, insight and compassionate support that can help your child deal with ADD/ADHD and successfully overcome its related social, emotional and educational challenges.
An expert neuropsychologist is on staff to provide Educational Testing for assessment and school planning. She also provides documentation when needed for accommodations at school and for standardized testing.
We offer a wealth of expertise in the behavioral and medication management of ADD and ADHD. We frequently collaborate with area schools and can help you and your child's educators develop appropriate and successful solutions.


Children under stress, those who experience loss, or who have learning, behavior or anxiety disorders are at risk for depression. If your child or teen has feelings of depression that persist and interfere with their ability to function, contact us for a complete assessment.

At Greenwich Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, we have put a great deal of energy into educating families about youth psychiatric disorders and their treatment.

School Problems

From bullying and other social issues, to classroom-centered challenges, the professionals at Greenwich Child and Adolescent Psychiatry will help your child address and overcome their issues using effective guidance and proven techniques. Complete educational testing is also available from our expert neuropsychologist.


If your child’s fears cause distress and interfere with normal activities, he or she can find essential help here at Greenwich Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.Treatments may include individual therapy, family therapy, medications and behavioral treatments.

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What You Can Expect

At Greenwich Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the patient and/or parents meet initially with a senior staff member, who makes an assessment, describes treatment options, and remains involved throughout the process to coordinate the team of specialists who are best suited to the situation and family. Patients, and parents of younger patients, are seen as crucial collaborators in successful treatment.

Greenwich Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
200 Pemberwick Road
Greenwich, CT 06831
United States


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